$ 150.00   USD
  • Course Code:  SL04

  • Term:  Summer 2015

  • Open for Enrollment

  • Self-paced

  • Course Author(s)
    Hitesh Choudhary

Original Price:   $ 150.00   USD
Metasploit extreme on kali linux

Metasploit Extreme on Kali Linux

Summer 2015

Computer Science

  • Hitesh choudhary
    Hitesh Choudhary



Metasploit Extreme on Kali Linux




Metasploit Framework is an open source penetration tool used for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Metasploit's framework has the world's largest database of public, tested exploits. To put it simply, Metasploit can be used to test the vulnerability of computer systems in order to protect them, and on the other hand it can also be used to break into remote systems. Its a powerful tool used for penetration testing by many companies and employers.

In clear and short words, If you are interested in words like security, hacking, exploits etc, then this is a must series for you.


What are the requirements?


 Min of 2 GB ram


What am I going to get from this course?

 Mastery of re-engineered Metasploit framework in Kali Linux


What is the target audience?

 No prior knowledge is required, so all are invited to join in



Instructor Biography



Hitesh Choudhary, trained as an Electronics Engineer and mastered in computer network and Information Security, is a renowned author, video author, international speaker and security consultant. He was also trained in wireless security from a prof. of MIT. He created various tools and attacks like wireless Eurynomus featured in Pentest Magazine and in Backtrack project. His webinar on wireless, Backtrack, and ethical hacking was attended by 2000+ professionals from Google India, HP, IBM, Accenture, TCS, Sapient Corp. , Symantec, EEL India Ltd., Capgemini, Micro Technology, CDAC, Kodak India Ltd., Wipro Infotech Ltd., ABB Ltd., Tech Mahindra Ltd., and many more. He is also an active consultant and speaker for police in India and Army Intelligence, and his work was featured in 20+ air, print and live media.

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Metasploit Extreme on Kali Linux

150.0 USD

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