$ 17.00   USD
  • Course Code:  PM01

  • Term:  Open

  • Open for Enrollment

  • Self-paced

  • Course Author(s)
    Paul Mladjenovic

Original Price:   $ 17.00   USD
Home office deuction

Home Office Deduction


Home / Finance

  • Paul headshot with signature
    Paul Mladjenovic



Home Office Deduction





Save Thousands in Taxes...with the full blessings and the guidance 


of the IRS?! ...Yes!


The Home Office Expense (HOE) is a powerful benefit available to those that have a legitimate home 


business....it can save you literally thousands in taxes this year. If you use year after year, it can literally 


save you 6-figures...over $100,000! when you use it over 8-10 years or longer.


The Home Office Expense puts money in your pocket...and it can even be structured so that you are not 


paying a penny extra for it...yet it will benefit you with more hard-earned money kept in your .


The great thing is that the IRS will help you do this! That's right...years ago a home office could have 


been a red flag...but if you do it the right way (according to the IRS itself), it can be a bull-proof, 


worry-free tax deduction...worth a small fortune to you.


In this course, A tax pro (with 25 years of experience) that specialized in the home office deduction 


helps you easily understand it and do it the right way.


This course shows you...step-by-step...how to understand the Home Office Expense and how to take 


it...easily and with confidence.


Don't let anyone talk you out of taking this powerful and profitable deduction...especially when the IRS 


lets you take it...and this tax pro gives you a guided tour.


What you get:


 16 videos (each is 5-7 minutes) both lectures and screencasts for easy learning


 Full PDF documents from the IRS...everything you need from the source!


 Filled-in sample documents to make it easy to understand


Keep in mind that the Home Office Deduction effectively gives you the power to put money in your 


pocket...tax free! Imagine having getting thousands of dollars from your business to use any way you 


like...and not pay a penny of tax on it.




This program will help you IMMEDIATELY...no matter what time of year it is...use this strategy for 


year-round tax savings...and you will see the powerful benefits when the next tax season comes.


Don't delay...order your Home Office Tax Kit course today...


Disclaimer - Please keep in mind that the tax info is for US laws (although some of the tax concepts may be applicable elsewhere).


Thank you!


Instructor Biography



Paul Mladjenovic is a CFP, national seminar leader, author and consultant. Since 1981, his specialties have been investing, financial planning and home business issues. During those 30-plus years, he has helped thousands of students and readers build wealth through his nationwide seminars, workshops, conferences and coaching program.


Paul has written Stock Investing For Dummies (all five editions), Zero-Cost Marketing, Micro-Entrepreneurship For Dummies, Precious Metals Investing For Dummies, the Job Hunter’s Encyclopedia and the latest book, High-Level Investing For Dummies. He has done many national seminars such as “The $50 Wealth-Builder,” “Ultra-Investing with Options” and the “Home Business Goldmine” among others. The full details on his (downloadable) financial & business start-up seminars are found at www.RavingCapitalist.com.


He has been interviewed or referenced by numerous media sources such as ABC, Fox, NBC, Comcast, CNN, CBS, TraderPlanet.com, FoxBusiness, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, Futures Magazine, GoldSeek.com, Minyanville.com, FinancialSense.com and many more.


Paul was born in a communist country (Yugoslavia) and he came to the United States in 1963. This is why he refers to himself as a ”Raving Capitalist.” This background helps him understand the “big picture” so that he can provide better guidance and forecasts for his clients, students and readers. Since 2000, He has built a reputation as an accurate economics and market forecaster. Paul’s long record includes accurate forecasts for the Housing Bubble, Energy crisis, the “great recession,” the rise of precious metals and much more. For 2016-7, he is bearish due to historic stock, debt, derivative and bond bubbles.


For some video commentaries on the economy, financial markets and personal financial strategies, go to Paul Mladjenovic’s video channel at www.youtube.com/user/paulmlad. You can view Paul’s Linked In profile at www.linkedin.com/in/paulmladjenovic/ and follow him at www.twitter.com/paulmlad.


As a national speaker, Paul has done over 2,500 national seminars and workshops since 1983. He emphasizes a “two-pronged” approach to wealth-building. “Passive wealth-building” which means having your money work for you (with investing and financial strategies) and “Active wealth-building” strategies such as starting your own home business or other active business part-time activity. 

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Home Office Deduction

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